How To Reinvent Yourself

July 28, 2017

I’m writing this as a reminder to myself more than anything, that if I truly want to be a certain way or have a certain lifestyle I have to act as if I already have it. Now that’s always easier said than done and there’s always that little voice in your head like this is dumb I know I’m not where I want to be yet I’m just deluding myself.
I think the easiest example would be fitness/weight loss. I know with myself especially this year I have had my big goal to losing weight, increase my fitness, look toned, feel fabulous in a bikini and overall feel more confident in myself. Your goal might not be weight loss but is there something in your life right now that you have been almost obsessing over because you want to achieve it or get there so badly? It could be trying to reach a certain income level, get more sales in your business or even be a successful blogger on steemit. It’s quite easily to get so in your head when you want something so bad, that you start to obsess over it in a somewhat negative way in which you disguise as fuel.

Lets go through some habit we might do when we are in that negative obsessive head space.

Weight loss/Fitness: This was very true to me. Any chance I glance in the mirror to see my progress, I will critique myself and pinpoint everything that I don’t like and need to change. Look through instagram at fitness models. Over think on making sure I eat the right food and that I’m making healthy choices.
For sales it could be that you’re checking your sales stats first thing in the morning or multiple times during that day and feeling bummed out when there hasn’t been many sales or any sales.
As wanting success on steemit, you might catch yourself spending more time thinking about why can this person make this much money or why that person can get that many views instead of using the platform itself.

What happens when we are desperate.

I now found that it is in that desperate negative obsession that really stops us from achieving what we really want. Our mindset which links to our actions ends up holding ourselves back from where we want to be heading.
Think about it like this:
Would those truly happy, confident, fit people stand in front of a mirror and pick apart themselves? Would they dread eating healthy and see working out as a chore they are trying to avoid? Would they disregard the progress they have made just because they haven’t made it to their dream body yet?
Would successful entrepreneurs obsessively look at their sales stats and beat themselves up about not being where they would want to be?
And would a successful blogger sit on steemit to just look at other people’s success and feel envious and jealous whilst analysing why this person would make so much and why you can’t?
The answer is NO

Can you see how those actions can bring you further from where you want to be?

The secret to being your dream self is to act as if you were your dream self. I know, so simple yet it’s so easy for us to get caught up that we just don’t act upon it. Think of you as you are now and your dream self, you might feel that gap is soo big and think how will I ever get there? Well if you start by embodying the mindset and actions you would be taking at your 'dream self' right now in your life you are now bridging that gap.
For weightloss/fitness goal my dream self mindset would be that I would feel confident in my skin, I would always acknowledge the progress I’ve made, I would see eating well and working out as a form of self love so it would come natural to me and not something I have to think about all the time or obsess over. My actionswould be to work out consistently and eat an abundance of wholesome plant based food.
If your big goals is to be a successful blogger on steemit what kind of mindset would they have, what kind of actions would they be doing? Post high quality content consistently, engage genuinely with the community through comments, actively learn more about the platform.
If you take those steps of “acting as if you are already there” the rest will fall into place almost effortlessly. If we don’t change firstly from within, your beliefs, your thoughts then you will never get to where you want to be. The reason to why we want to be a certain is usually because we believe it will make us feel a certain way.
For example at the core of why I want to be toned, fit and healthy is because I believe it will make me happy and confident in my body. Well if i’m miserable & negatively criticizing my body the whole time i’m trying to get to my body goal then when I get there I will probably will still feel bad about my body and looking for the next thing that needs to be worked on and then the next.
You might feel that about money, perhaps you only have $100 in saving and you're desperate for more. So you say to yourself I will feel so happy and wealthy if I had $1000 in savings. Once you finally reached $1000 instead of feeling happy and wealthy you’ve already moved onto wanting to have $2000 and decide actually I'll feel happy and wealthy at $2000 and so on. You can see you will never get to how you want to feel if you put a wager on yourself, that i can only feel happy with I’m make X or when I look like X. That’s why it is so important that you also implement the thoughts and feeling of how you wish to be NOW and not in an imaginary future scenario.
I think i’m going to wrap it up here. This is something I’m still trying to implement myself but i hope this was helpful to you in any sort of way.
Talk to you next time,

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